All repeaters use W4ZZK/R system identifiers. The repeaters require either a 100 Hz Tone OR a 131.8 Hz Tone for access, unless otherwise noted. The Amateur Radio Repeater systems are open for all Licensed Amateur Operator Use. Please use discretion and proper etiquette. Holder of Record for All W4ZZK Repeater Coordinations is the Alabama Frequency Coordination and Repeater Advancement Society.
“The 13 Repeater”
Frequencies: 145.130 MHz Output / 144.530 MHz Input (Standard -600 kHz Shift)
Mode: Analog FM Wideband
Access Tones: 100 Hz Encode & Decode
“The 725 Repeater“
Frequencies: 443.725 MHz Output / 448.725 MHz Input (Standard +5MHz Shift)
Mode: Analog FM Wideband
Access Tones: 100 Hz Encode & Decode
Info: 24/7 Connection to the Southeast Link Network (as Internet Connectivity Allows)
“The 41 Repeater“
Frequencies: 145.410 MHz Output / 144.810 MHz Input (Standard -600kHz Shift)
Mode: Analog FM Wideband OR Yaesu C4FM System Fusion
Analog Access Tones: 100 Hz Encode & Decode
Coverage Map Coming Soon!
“The 875 Repeater“
Frequencies: 444.875 / 449.875 (Standard +5MHz Shift)
Mode: Multimode Capable – Analog, DMR, System Fusion
Access Tone for Analog: 67.0 Hz Encode/Decode
Coverage Map Coming Soon